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Wind Proofing Bali Huts and Balinese Gazebo's

Brisbane Thatch and Decks is committed to supply our customers with the best possible advice and service.


Unfortunately nature is some times just too powerful, Nature can and will uproot trees and remove the roofs off houses and buildings.


Bali huts will not lift up when high winds blow over it because its lets the air through the thatch so basically eliminates lift. Lift is what keeps a aeroplane in the air, The air flowing faster over the top of the wings along a longer route creates a low pressure along the top of the wing which creates lift. By increasing speed we decrease pressure which creates lift. 


The big advantage for your Bali hut is that it will withstand higher winds than your house.


But for every up hill there must be a down hill. So the down side is the high wind can mess up your Bali Huts Thatch and blow the thatch ends so the thatch ends is visible inside the Bali Hut between the thatch strips. That is how we can immediately tell if a Bali But was exposed to high wind velocities. 


Bribane Thatch Bali Huts Gazebo Wind Slats
High Wind indicators

High Wind Solutions 

Brisbane Thatch wind charm

To solve the problem created by the wind lifting the thatch up especially on new roofs that has not yet settled down we have a few options. 


If you have a brand new Bali Hut, the problem will be solve to some degree by just waiting for the Bali Hut to settle. It will take up to two years to settle depending an the amount of rain its getting. Can also water and rake the Bali Huts after some severe winds to speed up the process.  


If you live in a really really bad wind area, well there is some more options available after all Thatch is just a very natural product. We can just go and see what the islanders have done for thousands of years before us.


This problem is simply solved by installing bamboo strips in a diamond pattern on the flat areas of the thatched roofs to hold the thatch in place. Pieces of string or galvanised wire are used to hold the panels in place. To secure the hips they basically tie a piece of wire or string from one panel to the adjacent panel every two to three hundred millimetres.


Alternatively Brisbane Thatch and Decks has also been using thin galvanised mesh wire on the hips to hold the hips in place.


Please note that this is only necessary in very high wind areas facing directly into prevailing winds for example Bali huts on top of high hills and Bali Huts facing directly towards open water where there is not enough structure or trees to break the wind force towards the Bali Hut. 


Please feel free to contact us to if you need some advice on how we can windproof your Bali Hut.

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