There is 3 different ways to install freestanding Bali Huts.
A) Free Standing.
B) On Pins.
C) On metal bracket of some sort.
A) Freestanding Bali Huts.
1) Begin by laying 2 posts on the ground, with their bases at the desired location.
2) Lay 1 ring beam across the top of the 2 posts, ensuring that the post is perpendicular (90° to the ring beam). The 2 longer beams need to protrude past the each posts by 45mm to allow the shorter beams to butt into them. The top of the ring beam needs to sit 60mm on the 190mm ring beam and 80mm on the 240mm ring beams above the top of the post. Screw 2 x 100mm Batten Screws through the ring beam into the post.

3) Lay the knee brace at 45° across the corner between the post and the ring beam (knee brace sits on the outside of the post and butts up to the underside of the ring beam). Use 1x 100mm batten screws to attach the knee brace into the ring beam, and 1 x 100mm batten screw to attach it to the post, ensuring the post is perpendicular to the ring beam.
4) Repeat step 1 to 3 again with the opposite side of the Bali Hut.
5) Stand one side up, Secure it in position by tying it temporarily to a ladder and or screwing the bottom of the post into the deck (if the Bali hut is installed on a deck).

6) Stand the opposite side up as well and fit the connecting ring beam across the now two freestanding ends of the frame. Fit the knee braces on the newly fitted piece of the ring beam, the connecting ring beam and knee braces will now stabilize the structure.
Fit the remaining opposite side ring-beam piece and knee braces to complete the ring beam assembly.

B) For installations on concrete slabs using "Pins"
After assembling the ring-beam and placing the ring-beam in position where the Hut must be installed. Mark the position of the post on the slab / floor area. Move the frame away. Drill 14mm hole in the concrete slab minimum 150mm deep in the middle of the marked position on the concrete slab / floor area. Make sure the 12mm steel pins is in the middle of the bottom of the post. Stand the post up by dropping the pins on the bottom of the post into the holes.
Just be super careful, the post is not very steady in position using this method. The post can fall over and don't lean against the post while working on it of sliding ring-beam up.
Mark the bottom of the ring beam on all the post.
2150 to 2250 above floor level.

C) For installations on concrete slabs.
After assembling the ring-beam and placing the ring-beam in position where the Hut must be installed. Mark the position of the post on the slab / floor area. Move the frame away. Fit the steel brackets in the post. Put post on the markers on the concrete slab. Mark the position of the steel brackets on the ground. Remove the steel brackets from the post. Now move the steel brackets back to the marked position. Drill the holes for the draw-bolts. Insert the draw-bolts and fit the steel brackets. Fit the post on the brackets again.
Mark the bottom of the ring beam on all the post.
2150 to 2250 above floor level.

1) The Knee braces screw up on the underside of the ring beam, and the outside of the post. Lay the knee brace at 45° across the corner between the post and the ring beam (knee brace sits on the outside of the post and butts up to the underside of the ring beam). Use 1ea x 100mm batten screw to attach the knee brace into the ring beam, and 1 x 100mm batten screws to attach it to the post, ensuring the post is perpendicular to the ring beam.