Smart Thatch
Synthetic Palm Thatching
Synthetic Thatch for Timber Frame Bali Huts and Gazebos
Smart Thatch
Smart thatch is a new shade solution by Brisbane Thatch and Decks. The Synthetic Bali Hut Tiles are made from a polyurethane compound that is UV resistant and long lasting. Synthetic tiles' biggest advantage is that they will last for up to 50 years with no maintenance and minimal fading. Furthermore, it creates a luxurious Balinese Hut lifestyle anywhere in the garden, whether next to the pool, at a resort or at shop fronts.
Brisbane Thatch & Decks Smart Synthetic Palm Thatch Tiles are an alternative and no fuss upgrade system for timber frames on Gazebo's and Brushwood Huts. Synthetic thatch can easily be installed on existing timber or colourbond roofs to transform the theme to a luxurious tropical island resort ambiance with minimum effort.
Smart thatch can be installed on its own or on top of other existing roofing covers or structures.

Synthetic Plastic Thatching

Alternative to Bali Hut Re-Thatch
Best of both worlds
A new alternative to re-thatch your old Balinese Hut with Alang Alang thatch is to cover the existing natural thatch with Synthetic Thatch. For almost the same cost as a re-thatch you can extend the life of your Bali Hut to 50 years. Covering your Bali Hut with Synthetic thatch will give you the best of both worlds. You can keep the 100% natural look on the inside of your Bali Hut while also enjoying the longevity of Synthetic Thatch on the outside of your existing Bali Hut.
Please note: If your natural thatch is too worn, covering the existing thatch with synthetic thatch would not work because you want the inside view to be perfect without any signs of water damage.
The photo to the right shows natural thatch that is covered with Synthetic Thatch.

Smart Thatch from Brisbane Thatching

Smart Thatch from Brisbane Thatching

Smart Thatch from Brisbane Thatching
Comparisons between
"Smart Thatch" and "Palmex"
Palmex is 770mm x 600mm x 0.7mm Thick.
Smart Thatch is 920mm x 620mm x 1.3mm Thick.
As we can see in the photo's. There is a much bigger gap in the Palmex leave fingers than the no gaps in the Smart Thatch leaf fingers, which gives it a much smoother natural and fuller look. Because the Smart Thatch fingers are much smoother than Palmex, it holds back 90% less leaves and fallen debris that may land on the roof.
Palmex uses an install method where Palmex leaves are trolled around the back of the strips or rails. Some comment that this method leaves the Palmex leaves looking quite sad and saggy from the underneath.
The biggest advantage is the cost of the Smart Synthetic Thatch. It is by far the best quality synthetic thatch on the market at a very competitive price.
Palmex have a additional range of hip, ridge and crown cover tiles at a premium price where Smart Thatch uses just one type of tile which can be cut up in pieces to cover the hips.
Our overall conclusion is Smart Thatch is the best value and quality synthetic thatch available today.